Webinar on social and psychological adaptation of children (IDPs) to the educational process
On February 3, a webinar on socio-psychological adaptation of children (IDPs) to the educational process was held in preschool education institution No. 24 “Zherelo”. The webinar was held by the public organization YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORT. THE HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE together with the Department of Education of the Chernivtsi City Council.
The purpose of the webinar is to create conditions for the socio-psychological adaptation of IDPs (children) to the educational process, to relieve psychological stress, to raise awareness of national-patriotic education, to solve the physical and psychological problems of children caused by modern conditions, to familiarize with the issues of socio-psychological adaptation of children to new living conditions and the educational process at the expense of physical culture and health activities.
The webinar began with welcoming words from the head of the preschool education sector, Lyubov Gavrylova, and chief specialist Lyubov Chobanyuk.
Yaroslav Galan raised the issue of the importance of socio-psychological adaptation of children (VPO), the implementation and development of various measures aimed at supporting the psychological and physical health of children, the training of young volunteer leaders and the involvement of young people in the process of conducting events, as well as the activities of public of the organization and its positive impact on the life of children (VPO), presented the activities of the public organization based on videos of implemented activities for children.
Svitlana Duditska made a presentation and report “Motion activity as a source of comprehensive development of preschool children”, during which she talked about the importance of movement activity in physical education and its positive impact on the physical and psychological development of children, and also conducted certain movement games among the participants of the webinar.
The webinar was attended by young volunteer leaders, students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Human Health of Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University.
Demonstration performances for the participants of the webinar were presented by masters of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Human Health of the Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, Valentyn Mysliv and Elizaveta Moiseyenko.
Students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Human Health of the Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, current trainers Nicole Struts and Alina Semenko performed the demonstration number “Kangoo jumps” as one of the effective training systems for maintaining health.
Lisa Morgoch, a student of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, Department of Practical Psychology, practical psychologist, spoke with the report “Social and psychological adaptation of children (IDPs) to new conditions in the educational process.”
Oksana Simak, a practical psychologist-methodologist of the DZ No. 2 “Posmishka”, presented exercises for stress resistance, which consisted in the application of one’s own physical abilities and various psychological techniques.
Iryna Tkachuk, the head of the education department of the Chernivtsi city council, also took part in the webinar, who noted the importance of conducting these events in modern conditions and emphasized the feasibility of addressing the issues of social and psychological adaptation of children (IDPs) to the educational process.
All participants received certificates certifying their participation in the webinar.
The webinar was attended by physical culture instructors of the ZDO in the Chernivtsi urban territorial community, students, and scientists.
Webinar partners are Internet provider “Intelekt”, confectionery “Ciabatta”, web studio “MAHO” and videographer Vitaly Shyshkivskyi
The webinar was held within the framework of the project “Social and psychological adaptation of forcibly displaced persons (children) to the educational process”, carried out by the Carpathian Foundation with the financial support of COFRA.
The webinar was held with the assistance of the Department of Practical Psychology, Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovich and the administration of ZDO No. 24 “Zherelo”.