
A charity event was held in Chernivtsi for World Children’s Day

On November 21, on the Day of Dignity and Freedom for children with special educational needs, a charity event was held on the basis of the Chernivtsi regional educational and rehabilitation center “Rodyna”.

The charity event was held on the initiative of the public organization MOLOD. SCIENCE. SPORT. THE HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE and the support of the Chernivtsi regional educational and rehabilitation center “Rodyna”.

The purpose of the charity event is to familiarize with various sports, improve the general physical condition, as well as moral education of children, formation of nationwide patriotic values.

The event began with the presentation of thanks to the institution’s administration and physical culture teacher Albert Fuchs for his support in popularizing a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, forming national values, raising a healthy generation with harmonious development of physical and spiritual qualities for children from different regions of Ukraine.

Head of the public organization “YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORT. HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE”, candidate of sciences in physical education and sports, associate professor Yaroslav Galan noted that supporting children nowadays occupies an important place, because in this way we create favorable conditions for their life activities, help them adapt to modern realities, improve and diversify children’s leisure time , encouraging them to engage in sports and physical activity and fostering national and patriotic values.

Then there was a movement, which was conducted by a graduate of the Chernivtsi National University named after Yury Fedkovich, trainer of the dance and fitness school “Dance Avenue”, candidate for master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, Maryna Tivelik.

The event was attended by the deputy director of educational work Rodika Fustoi, deputy director of educational work Tetyana Cherleniuk, physical culture teacher Albert Fuchs, physical education teacher, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Olena Hauryak.

During the event, relay races were held in various sports, during which schoolchildren actively competed and presented their own physical training.

Students of the “Physical Culture and Sports” specialty became volunteers of the event and took part in its implementation and organization, as well as told the children about the importance of physical activity, physical education and a healthy lifestyle in general.

The event took place within the framework of the scientific project “Innovative model of implementation and formation of children’s patriotism by means of Olympic education”.

At the end of the charity event, all participants received commemorative medals to commemorate their participation in the event, as well as goodies from the Ciabatta confectionery.

The event was held with the support of the law firm “Kutsak and Partners”, the Internet provider “Intelekt” and the company “Morshinska”. Thank you for supporting the natural “Morshynska”. https://www.morshynska.ua

Thank you for your assistance Olympic Academy of Ukraine

We thank the administration of the Chernivtsi regional educational and rehabilitation center “Rodyna” for their assistance in organizing the charity event.