“Olympic Relay” as a factor in the formation of a harmoniously developed patriotic child
The innovative game “Olympic Relay” was created with the aim of national-patriotic education of children by means of Olympic education. By playing this game, children will have the opportunity not only to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of sports, but also to get used to the rules of humanism, namely, to love their country, to respect the nation in general, to show a desire to protect and defend the country, to be a conscious and real citizen a patriot.
The game “Olympic Relay” is designed for children aged 5-12 years. It has a positive effect on their mental and cognitive abilities. This game contributes to the enrichment of children’s fundamental knowledge, develops attention, imagination and fantasy, instills basic concepts about Olympic education and sports, and thanks to this, it forms universal patriotic values: love for the Motherland, language, knowledge of Ukrainian culture and traditions with the help of the Olympic movement.
In the course of the game, players must bring the flag of Ukraine to the highest point – Mount Hoverla, overcoming a number of obstacles and answering certain questions. It is thanks to the list of questions, which are mandatory during the game, that universal patriotic values and qualities are formed in children.
In our opinion, the creation and integration of this game into the educational process of children will have a positive impact not only on their physical development, but also on their spiritual development. In addition, in this way, the development of their mental abilities and qualities will take place.
Therefore, the “Olympic Relay” is one of the effective and important elements of patriotic education of the young modern generation, as it allows to ensure the physical development of children along with the comprehensive education of their moral and willful national qualities. Thanks to such an innovative form of Olympic education, it is possible to stimulate the revival of national culture, the development of universal human values, high patriotic consciousness, love for one’s Motherland, a valuable attitude towards the Ukrainian people, the state and the nation in general from an early age.