
A charity basketball event for children from different regions of Ukraine

On December 14, a charity basketball event for children from different regions of Ukraine will be held on the basis of the Chernivtsi Lyceum No. 20 of the Chernivtsi City Council.

The charity event will be held at the initiative of the public organization YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORT. HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE and the assistance of the Department of Education of the Chernivtsi City Council and the administration of the lyceum.

The purpose of the charity event is to familiarize with basketball, popularize the principles of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, moral education of children, formation of national and patriotic values.

At the beginning of the event, there will be an exercise for schoolchildren with elements of basketball and familiarization of the event participants with this sport as part of the scientific project “Innovative model of implementation and formation of patriotism of children by means of Olympic education”.

Relays with basketball elements, games and meetings with famous athletes will also take place during the event.

The event will be held with the support of Internet provider “Intelekt”, Web studio “MAKSO”, videographer Vitaly Shyshkivskyi and company Morshinska. Thank you for supporting natural “Morshynska” https://www.morshynska.ua