
Charity event for children from different regions of Ukraine

On April 5, a charity event for children from different regions of Ukraine will be held on the basis of the Godylivsk General Secondary Education Institute of the I-III degrees of the Velikokuchuriv Village Council of the Chernivtsi District of the Chernivtsi Region.

The event will be held on the initiative of the public organization “YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORT. HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE” and the assistance of Velikokuchuriv rural territorial community of Chernivtsi region and the administration of the educational institution.

The purpose of the charitable event is to popularize a healthy and active lifestyle, physical activity as an important element of children’s life, the formation of patriotism based on sports and the inculcation of universal national values.

In the program of the event: demonstration performances, running, relay races with elements of various sports and a meeting with famous athletes.

Place and time of the event: p. Godyliv, 2:00 p.m., Godyliv institution of general secondary education of grades I-III of the Velikokuchuriv village council.

The event will be held with the support of Ciabatta confectionery, videographer Vitaly Shyshkivskyi, Internet provider Intelekt, law firm Kutsak and Partners, videographer Artur Gulpak.

The charity event will be held within the framework of the project “Social and psychological adaptation of forcibly displaced persons (children) to the educational process”, carried out by the Carpathian Foundation with the financial support of COFRA.