Спортивно-реабілітаційний захід для дітей з різних регіонів України
On March 30, Chernivtsi special school No. 4 will host a sports rehabilitation event for children from different regions of Ukraine.
The event will be held on the initiative of the public organization YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORT. THE HEALTH MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE, the Council of Young Scientists at the OVA of Chernivtsi Region, the Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Human Health, the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy and Pre-Medical Medicine of Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University and the support of the institution’s administration.
The purpose of the event is to improve the health of children and their general physical condition, encourage them to engage in sports and physical activity, psycho-social support and the formation of nationwide patriotic values.
In the program of the event: exercise for children and psychological training, relay races in various sports, communication and meeting with famous athletes.
The event will start at 1:30 p.m. at the address of st. Sichovyh Streltsiv, 3.
The event will be held with the support of Ciabatta confectionery, videographer Vitaly Shyshkivskyi, Internet provider Intelekt, law firm Kutsak and Partners, videographer Artur Gulpak, web studio MAHO, web studio WEBTOP.
The event will be held within the framework of the project “Social and psychological adaptation of forcibly displaced persons (children) to the educational process”, carried out by the Carpathian Foundation with the financial support of COFRA